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Our Approach to Safety

Our Approach to Safety

The Tenafly Public Schools District is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for our students and staff. We know students who feel safe at school are able to reach their full potential both academically and socially.  

While our focus is on preventing and mitigating as many issues as we can, we also want our students and staff to be prepared to respond in case an emergency situation arises.  

We rely on both internal strategies and external programs to support the safety and security of our students and staff, as well as activities that allow the district to be prepared for a host of different emergency situations that our campuses and facilities may face.  

To help keep our students and staff safe, our local law enforcement is equipped with keys/swipe access, maps and building layouts to assist with speedy access to specific areas both outside of and within our buildings in the event of an emergency. To support their needs, it is critical that fire zones, pathways, and other areas marked as No Parking or Emergency be kept clear of non-emergency vehicles. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.