About the BOE
Tenafly Board of Education
The Tenafly Board of Education is comprised of a 9-member board of trustees, the chief school administrator and the board secretary/district business administrator. Board Meetings will begin at 6:00pm in the Tenafly Board of Education Hegelein Building, 500 Tenafly Road, and will enter into Closed Session immediately. The BOE will move into Open Session at 7pm for either a Work Session Meeting or a Regular Public Meeting. The time and location of the meeting is subject to change and will be posted accordingly.
Meeting dates can be found via the Board of Education webpage under Agenda/Minutes. Meeting minutes and video recordings can be found here as well.
Rules for Public Input
Citizens attending Board of Education meetings will have the opportunity to address the Board of Education on school-related topics at specified times during the regular meeting. There are two opportunities for public comment - on items on and not listed on the agenda.
When addressing the Board of Education, please follow these procedures:
- After being officially recognized by the Board President, write and state your name and address. There will be a piece of paper and a pen on the podium.
- A time limit of three minutes per person and a total of 30 minutes for all communications are allowed. Large groups are urged to select someone to represent them.
- All comments must be addressed to the Board of Education and not to fellow audience members.
- Public comments offer an opportunity to make public statements, not to engage in a dialogue with the Board President or Administration.
Meeting agendas are posted on the Board of Education webpage under Agenda/Minutes on the Friday preceding a regularly scheduled Board Meeting.
Bylaw 0167 outlines the rules for public participation in Board Meetings.
Interested in becoming a member of the Tenafly Board of Education? The NJSBA's Candidate Kit provides vital resources, as well as links to important websites for anyone considering running for their local school board. Visit the NJSBA website for details. For the petition, visit the Bergen County Clerk website.