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Emergency Virtual or Remote Instruction

Tenafly Public Schools
Emergency Virtual or Remote Instruction Plan

In accordance with P.L.2020, c.27 which in part requires each school district to annually submit a proposed program for emergency virtual or remote instruction to the New Jersey Department of Education. This law provides for the continuity of instruction in the event of a public health-related district closure by permitting the district to utilize virtual or remote instruction to satisfy the 180-day requirement pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:7F-9. This plan has been submitted for Board of Education approval, has been posted on the district’s website, and has been submitted to the County Office of Education.

This plan would be implemented during a district closure lasting more than three consecutive school days due to a declared state of emergency, declared public health emergency, or a directive by the appropriate health agency or officer to institute a public health-related closure.

A day of virtual or remote instruction, if instituted under a plan approved by the Commissioner of Education, is considered the equivalent of a full day of school attendance for the purposes of meeting State and local graduation requirements, awarding of course credit, and such other matters as determined by the Commissioner of Education.

In the event that the local health department and school district deem that a school closure is necessary due to health and safety concerns, the following plan will be enacted:


To facilitate the implementation of emergency virtual or remote instruction for all learners, a survey will be conducted to parents/guardians annually to determine if internet connectivity is available in their household. If internet connectivity is needed, then the district will provide the means for internet connectivity. District will communicate to the parents/guardians that if the technology needs of the family changes at any point during the school year to contact their school principals in order for the district to provide the appropriate technology means for remote instruction.

  • Chromebooks devices have been set aside for students requiring this. The district currently has a 1:1 Chromebook/student ratio.
  • The district is prepared to provide devices with hot spots to any student reporting a lack of internet access
  • Web Filtering software is installed in each Chromebook for the purpose of filtering, monitoring, and managing student use of Chromebooks on remote learning tasks, activities, and resources all throughout the school year.
  • A parent signature form will accompany the approval of technology loans to qualified students.  The Chromebook that is loaned to the student will use Optimum Public Wi-Fi thereby providing access to internet connectivity. If Optimum Public Wi-Fi is not available the District can provide T-Mobile hotspot access. A parent’s signature will acknowledge agreement with all components identified in the form.
  • An email account exclusively for tech support for students and their families is:


Grab and Go Breakfast and Lunches will be distributed to the homes of students who qualify for Free/Reduced Price Lunch everyday.  These will be provided by Pomptonian Food Service and meet all preparation requirements as set forth by state regulations.

Student Support

  • The School Counseling and Special Services Departments provide academic, social-emotional, and behavioral support to all students as needed to foster educational development, college and career readiness, and wellness. All services are ready for implementation in a virtual environment via Zoom/Google Meet or other telecommunication methods.
  • Students with academic, social-emotional, or behavioral concerns impacting their academic potential and/or wellness may be referred to the district’s Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS). The I&RS members work with students and parents to assess need for and provide tiered individual intervention strategies and action plans for ongoing instructional, social-emotional support.  All such services are ready for implementation in a virtual environment via Zoom/Google Meet or other telecommunication methods.
  • Students with Section 504 plans will continue to receive accommodations to meet academic, social-emotional, behavioral and medical needs.
  • Section 504 Accommodations will also be provided for students and staff requiring additional assistance based upon individual request and physician documentation.
  • The Child Study Team’s services are ready for implementation in a virtual environment via Zoom/Google Meet or other telecommunication methods.
  • The Child Study Team will continue to monitor progress of students with an IEP in relation to goals/objectives and social-emotional well being. Increased support may be added for students on an individual basis.
  • District staff engage in and deliver programming related to social-emotional learning and wellness, substance abuse prevention, and college and career readiness to support the well-being and learning needs of students. Programming in these areas are delivered individually, in groups, and during school hours and evening presentations for students, parents and staff.
  • Tenafly Public Schools provides students with access to a mental health provider (fully licensed and certified through West Bergen Medical). In addition to individual, family and group counseling services, the clinician provides crisis intervention services and assessment for students. West Bergen Medical services are ready for implementation in a virtual environment via Zoom/Google Meet or other telecommunication methods.
  • Students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) will receive modifications and accommodations according to their individual needs.
  • School nurses will monitor health related items and Individual Health Plan remotely.
  • The Superintendent will maintain regular communication with the local health department.

English Learners (EL)

  • Tenafly Public Schools has a High-Intensity English as a Second Language (ESL) program. Parent communications regarding the ESL program are provided to families both in English and their home languages. The district has engaged two companies to offer translation services for parents of ELs. In addition, the district provides a variety of resources for students and families, including WIDA parent handouts, and resources to use at home to support language acquisition. 
  • The ESL Department uses a variety of research-based methods of instruction to ensure students are making progress in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Additionally, the teachers and students have access to technology and web-based instructional resources, such as Chromebooks, Google Apps for Education, Imagine Learning,  Extempore, and Go Formative. Els will have opportunities to participate in before and/or after-school conversation cafes to help support their English Language acquisition. 

 Instructional and Assessment Plan

Tenafly Public Schools’ program for emergency virtual or remote instruction will provide all students with experiences that are closely aligned to in-person instruction. The district will utilize multiple tools including, but not limited to, the G-suite of Educational Services in order to provide access to a rich and diverse daily learning plan to our students. The district will:

  • Develop a shared understanding among staff, students, and families across grade-levels and schools regarding learning expectations, and anticipated environments (e.g., hybrid approaches to instruction, virtual platforms, learning management systems) and expectations for interactions (e.g., connecting with students and their family) to ensure all students have access to high-quality.'
  • Design for student engagement and foster student ownership of learning:
    • Develop students’ meta-cognition (parents may be able to provide some insights on how students understand how they learn best).
    • Collaborate with school leaders and educators to determine what types of supports are needed for effective pedagogical approaches during remote or hybrid instruction:
      • Assess the district’s data on how English language learners experienced instruction during remote or hybrid learning; particularly for newcomer students and students with lower English language proficiency.
      • Assess English Learners’ levels of engagement and access in an in-person, virtual, or hybrid learning environment.

During the time in which the virtual or remote instruction program is in place, students will receive instruction while at home through a combination of synchronous and asynchronous digital delivery methods in order to provide academic engagement to all students. Teachers will maintain quality interaction with their students as they maintain routine interaction with their students and social interaction and communication among students as well.

  • Virtual “synchronous” instruction will be taking place for core subjects and intervention periods according to the remote learning schedule five days a week via live stream. Remote “asynchronous” instruction will be taking place for specials.
  • The current school day schedule will be purposefully modified for the purpose of student engagement and in the practice of screen time awareness.
  • There could be homework that the teacher assigns outside of the synchronous or asynchronous period(s).
  • Assignments will have deadlines established by the teacher.
  • Summative assessments will continue to occur according to the district’s curriculum map.
  • Teachers will supply students with Google Meet links on Google Classroom so that students can access their remote coursework from home.
  • All teachers will maintain an up-to-date Google Classroom with relevant assignments and resources for students.  
  • Teachers will be provided with team time on a weekly basis to articulate, be provided with additional training, and/or to further coordinate instructional practices/school procedures.
  • The Administrative Team will be monitoring teacher and student performance throughout the duration of the virtual or remote instruction period.

Class Schedules

  • Grades K and 1: 
    • 9:00 am - 1:10 pm
    • Lunch: 1:10 pm - 1:40 pm
    • Recess: 1:40 pm - 2:00 pm
  • Grades 2 -5: 
    • 8:30 am - 1:30 pm
    • Lunch: 1:30 pm - 2:10 pm
    • Recess 2:10 pm - 2:30 pm

There will be daily morning and wrap up meetings with all students for grades K-5.
All teachers will be available for individual student needs several days a week from 2:30-3:10pm.

  • Grades 6-8:
    • 8:10 am - 1:15 pm
    • Lunch 1:15 pm - 2:10 pm
    • What I Need (WIN) Period: 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
  • Grades 9-12: 
    • 8:10 am - 3:11 pm
    • Lunch 11:16 am - 12:05 pm

Attendance & Monitoring

  • District will continue to abide by Policy 5200 - Attendance.
  • Parents will be advised to call the absence number of each school on a daily basis should their child not be able to complete their assignments, indicating an absence.
  • Secretaries will record the absences in Genesis by taking calls from parents from the absence line/emails.
  • Attendance will be taken by the building administrators/secretaries based upon parent phone calls/emails.

  • Students' daily attendance lists will be emailed to faculty to monitor assessment completion.

  • Staff will contact parents/guardians via phone/email should concerns regarding attendance arise.
  • The applicability of code of conduct expectations in a remote environment will be communicated to all students and parents.

Accelerated Learning Opportunities

Students will continue to be offered accelerated learning opportunities through course enrollment, differentiation, and co-curricular experiences.

Social and Emotional Wellbeing

Social and emotional health of students and staff will be addressed through activities organized by building principals, West Bergen Medical, school culture committees, and school counselors. Activities include professional development for staff, student wellness check-ins, and information presented to all stakeholders on the district website.

Title I Extended Learning Programs

During an emergency closure, Title 1 extended day services will be continued as scheduled in a virtual format.

Credit Recovery

Credit recovery will be offered as it aligns with students’ needs. This may include summer school course offerings.

Extracurricular Programs/Extended Student Learning Opportunities

To the extent possible, consistent with current practice, co-curricular programming will continue in a virtual format. Additionally, teachers will be available after school for extra help and academic support.

Building Maintenance

The buildings will be maintained by the district’s maintenance staff in accordance with set district protocol and practices. 


Transportation will be suspended during the emergency school closure and will resume upon reopening of the buildings.

SACC, Clubs and Extracurricular Activities

Before and After-School Child Care (SACC) will be suspended and will resume when buildings are re-opened.

Community Programming

All community programming will be conducted in a virtual environment during the period of emergency closure and will resume in-person programming upon the reopening of the buildings.

Essential Employees

Essential employees include some central office employees, all district administrators, food service, nurses, and building and maintenance employees. A list of essential employees will be provided to the county office at the time of transition to remote instruction.